The most inspiring teacher and welcoming friend.

Created by Mary 3 years ago
Margaret was the most welcoming and inspiring of teachers. She worked her students hard except for when we could distract her onto the subject of cats. She radiated confidence that we were, and could be amazing, such that we began to believe it ourselves and felt inspired to put in that bit of extra effort that might make this true. During Gillian and my time in her class she survived taking us to the newly united Berlin and our portacabin classroom burning down! She was ever philosophical, finding the energy to commiserated, comfort, corral and then open up new horizons to start us learning again.
After leaving New College she continued to take an interest in our university life and beyond. Evening trips to Silvermere were a highlight of visits home. We became friends, although had to be told off numerous times until we finally started calling her Margaret rather than Miss Wade! The evenings often went on until the early morning hours as there was always so many fascinating things to talk about. Her life experience and wisdom was deep, and her interests were broad. Her zest for discussion and warm concern about all our doings inspired and energised us.
Busy lives, my moving to the other side of the country and the energy-sapping nature of her living with cancer meant that we gradually saw each other less frequently. But always with Margaret as soon as we spoke, our connection immediately went back to what it had been and I would feel life lit up by her warmth and enthusiasm. I imagine her being fondly reunited with all her dearly departed cats who will be as overjoyed to see her, as we are sad at losing her.