About ten years ago I was concerned I might be seriously ill but too frightened to go to the doctor's in case my fears were confirmed. I was making myself mentally ill for a couple of months worrying about it till I decided to tell Margaret. I knew she’d say go to the doctor's which she did. She came up to Manchester to accompany me to the doctor's, came up to The hospital when I saw the consultant and stayed overnight when I had a 'procedure' done acting as my 24 hour support and my next of kin as I didn’t want my family to worry.
Luckily I was told there was nothing serious but ... I suspected telling Margaret about my cowardice would help but she instantly took control of the situation and moved things along. I will forever be grateful for her help on that occasion.
A true friend will be there in good times and bad. Her mother helped me to get into Manchester University to study languages when I was 17 after I had been told I was too young to apply. Margaret had always wanted to go to Manchester because her father went there but she didn’t get the grades. Although she was upset she was still thrilled for me. I remember how pleased she was.